Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Early Art and Science of +K

I have been running a series of experiments with +K and @klout recently. As the @kloutperks program continues to ramp up, I expect the value of topic clarity to start to sink in. Since it is relatively new, let me explain. +K doesn't up your @klout score, it increases the accuracy and potency of the topics you are considered influential about. @kloutperks are dependent upon what topics you are influential in, so this really matters. If you want the best perks, better figure out the right topic and get relevant. Here are some ways +K can increase you overall score.If you religiously engage with your followers so you know who to give @klout to, your rate of interactions will increase and your @klout will rise. I suggest a new +K best practice: I always tweet it when I give someone +K and I tag onto the end the actual reason I am giving it to the person. Here are some examples of recent tweets about +K that I gave.
I gave  +K about  on  for typing up that interview with Sera Gamble!
With that tweet I am alerting my Supernatural audience that I reward efforts in Fandom, that Wimfambusiness contributed something to the community thereby letting people know about her work and alerting people to content that is available, something they will find valuable. I think this is a wonderful way to use @klout.

I just gave  +K about  on  for working on votespn.tumblr.com

With this tag on ending I am thanking an influencer for  helping with the campaign while also re-posting the link for the still ongoing poll. Often recipients of Klout Retweet these so odds are good that while you are expressing your gratitude, you are also spreading awareness.

I just gave  +K about films on  for supporting The Tree of Life. It influenced me.

I include this tweet because it was a spontaneous one that I wrote after seeing the film, but it was seen by over 200,000 people thanks to Retweets by Fox Searchlight and a few others who worked on the film. I added quite a few followers in an industry I have an acute interest in thanks to it. Never underestimate the power of goodwill.

I've also tried other experiments. In a recent social media campaign to garner 10,000 individual IP votes in 48 hours, I decided to see if people would Re-tweet for @Klout.

I tried two variations:

Want ? RT This: Supernatural National Guard Activate 
Want ? Name your topic if you RT This: Supernatural National Guard Activate 
Using SproutSocial I was able to see which of the two was most effective. Conclusion: People wanted to choose their own topic. The second tweet was RT'd twice as often.

Earlier I had used a strategy of diminishing awards for a better return. It was very effective.
I will give  to the next 5 people who retweet one of my Vote for Supernatural NOW at  tweets
This seems to have been a good way to go, so I will likely combine the 2 more successful approaches next.

I plan on running additional studies using a different target audience. I hypothesize that my rates of return will be much higher if I perform a campaign aimed at @klout aware followers. To date my campaigns have targeted people who had yet to check-in to @klout but who were influential in the target area. Even so, I did get responses.

The early result of my testing proves to me that @klout already has perceived value, even among people who have never checked in. As an online influence currency, its potential can only grow provided the @kloutperks program continues to evolve and begins to make its presence known.

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