About this Blog

Greetings and welcome. I have three different blogs on three different platforms and this is my newest. I've ported over a couple of film reviews from the past so you can see my style. The topics will vary: online sociology, pop culture, internet tools and influence, film and media studies, books, music, and all the relationships between. I'll be writing about life as I experience it through the lens of the Flicker. What is "The Flicker?" It's the way I see the world when I am online. Since I first logged in via Telnet to a place called MicroMuse, a text based virtual reality game, I've never been offline for long. I've been fortunate to be able to work via the Internet as online actually came to be. As a consequence it feels more like a sense to me than anything else. Smell, taste, touch, hearing, sight and then there is the Flicker.

Like many people, I can't remember not knowing how to read. My mom taught us by getting us to read signs on the highway, product packaging as well as dozens and dozens of library books. I think this paved the way for my hunger for information. As I grew up I sometimes would grow fascinated with a topic and focus on it with intensity until I had consumed all the information I could find on it in my sphere. Eygpt, Alexander the Great, Napoleon, Ancient Greece...these are just a few I went through in my tween years. Nothing lasted for long, it was too easy to run out of books. It wasn't until the web that all of my dreams came true. :) An endless ever expanding, ever developing self-propogating collection of information. Not just about topics that already exist, but by virtue of its existence, bringing new topics into being.
I was in love.

I created this blog to post articles, reviews, conclusions, observations and connections I make after processing all that I am absorbing hour by hour. I've committed to post once a day to at least one of my blogs. The other two are listed in your left on the sidebar. One is my consulting site and I will only post online marketing and internet related posts there, I will usually cross post those here. The other is a blog about the CW television show Supernatural. I am researching the "fandom", which is quite unique and has been shaped in unexpected ways by its parallel growth with new media communication tools. If you check it out, read the About this blog section for more info on what I'm studying.

I read online all day long and I still read fiction daily for pleasure. Heck, I read shampoo bottles while I wash my hair. Now more than ever the world is visually represented in my mind by my understanding of its hardlines, and wifi's, its satellites and its data centers, its millions of servers and cell phones and its endless updates and tweets. I gather and receive it all...in my eyes, the glittering, popping, blazing, infinite Flicker.
