Regular Contributers

I take an editorial approach to Twitter, aggressively seeking out the best conversation partners and content producers in the topics I am interested in. Whether it's news, media, new media and technology, movies, wit, politics, human rights, charities, or Supernatural the @twitter accounts on this page are the ones that interact with me most regularly. Whether I follow them, or they follow me or we follow each other, there is back and forth, @klout, retweeting and commenting, conversation and the sharing of articles and stories. They feature content that is often pulled into The Flicker Daily Mail, the daily paper that is generated from the highlights of each day. This list is updated regularly as I add new people regularly and as activity levels wax and wane. Want to be featured on this page? If you follow me and I have followed you in return, simply start a conversation and we'll go from there.

The Leanover
Edmonton, AB
Full-time earthling. Contributor in good standing for @LIFECOACHERS and @SadnessRUs.

@theleanover is frequently featured on for most favorited tweet of the day. He deserves it. He is witty and has a way with words, not only with the one liner but as a poet. He works in a bookstore in Canada and his exclamations of frustrations are sympathy producing and hilarious at the same time. He's also great to talk to.

Jenny From The Block
ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha
Knitter, mother, student, really really really tired

@notoriousjwc is a master of quirky deadpan observation. She is a reliable source of happy in my life, though as I've told her, it's her attitude toward the difficulties in life that is the true source of entertainment for me. 

Screen Rant
All over
Love movies and TV? Follow us - we give away a Blu-ray or DVD every 200 new followers!

@screenrant always seems to have the latest geek movie news first, well, they certainly make a point of having geeks at early screenings and write as fast as they can to get feedback online ASAP. I'm a total "need to know NOW" kind of person so I LOVE Screen Rant

The New Deal
Kentucky aka Hell, USA
I am a Socialist Because I Like the Military, Police, Fire Dept, Library, Post Office, Medicare, Highways/Roads, Polio Vaccine, FBI, CIA, Student Loans, etc.

A strong voice for having a working benevolent government and why it is beneficial. Supported by facts with references.

Miel Van Opstal
Hi! I'm a Strategic Social & Mobile Marketing Consultant • For Hire • I digest the web and network my way across the world in search for good times & happiness.

Miel is a savvy smart guy who is a colleague working on similar projects on the development of new media technologies and I love talking to him occasionally about them. He often featured content I'm interested in because of this. I respect so few people in the online world since I've been in online since it came into being that this is a massive endorsement even if he doesn't know it. :)

Andy Borowitz
The song Sex on Fire makes me think I'm doing it wrong

Dependably funny

Mark Leggett
New and Improved Zealand
You can tell a lot about a person by reading their bio.

Self deprecating navel gazing and hilarious. Example tweet: @markleggett Just kicked back and relaxed in the hot tub (bath tub) and had a beer (cry).28 Jun via TweetD

Twin Cities, MN
Whether you need tips and tools, the latest Twitter news or tech support, we're here to help anyone and everyone get the most out of Twitter. Tweet us anytime!

Very Useful. A timely source of alerts, especially of Twitter viruses, news and even occasional tips about new features

Eric Goldman
Los Angeles, CA
IGN TV Executive Editor and Man of Action

Great source of information about most things I love. Geek media, shows, games, films, even toys. If we were neighbors as kids, I'm sure we would be friends and get up to all kinds of shenanigans in the woods involving forts, fires and imagination.

Silicon Valley
Breaking Technology News And Opinions From TechCrunch

I also follow Mashable and retweet them often, but it seems to be that I actually hunt for and wait for TC tweets because they are often so much more interesting and newsworthy to me.

Supernatural Wiki
in your fandom
If it's about Supernatural, it's on the Supernatural Wiki at Most comprehensive site covering the show and the fandom.

They always seems to have the latest breaking news first, my dream is to scoop them. Like Wikipedia you can visit their site and add your own information or creations about Supernatural.

Supernatural, Burn Notice, & White Collar addict. Writer of recaps and articles. Admin of & creator of

Great and timely info on Supernatural and insightful conversation. Contributor to SpoilerTV, and a frequent partner in Supernatural crime. I love talking to @dahne because while we love many of the same things, it's for similar but not THE SAME reasons. We are just different enough to represent a large spectrum of fandom. Neat.

Katrina Hill
Dallas, Texas
Action Flick Chick interviews/news/reviews. MTVGeek writer. G4's Next Woman of the Web champ. Webcomic star. Sometimes I blog about your tweets - now you know.

The first and last word in geek chick cool, she's fun to read and is going to be tweeting at Comic Con. As a fellow geek girl I love that she goes out of her way to ask questions about that topic and isn't afraid to post all the answers, even ones that rock the boat.

Misha Collins
moron, mongolia
Actor, baker, candlestick maker

An actor and philanthropist, who plays the angel Castiel on the show Supernatural, I include him here because he is an example of a celebrity who REALLY gets how to use @twitter . From posting funny in-jokes to interactive games and insider pictures, he knows how to make fans feel like they are a part of his personal community. He uses his superpowers for good too, motivating his followers to charitable action through The Random Act.

I'm Nisha, I LOVE & ADORE Supernatural, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki & Misha Collins. ♥ My Supernatural Support on YouTube (~ 3000 Subs) with videos & news

Nisha is active and always on top of all things Supernatural. She's a great source for video content and was an invaluable resource during Comic-Con and more recently BosCon. I find myself re-tweeting her often and she is a regular contributor to The Supernatural Sentinel.

If you are looking for more Supernatural fandom people to follow I have a curated list and am on several lists myself that feature large SPN news site and active fans.
My Supernatural List!/StJon/supernatural

Lists I am a part of:!/StJon/lists/memberships